ScriptSvnRemoteSession ¶ class ScriptSvnRemoteSession. SvnRemoteSession ¶ Bases: object Creates a persistent remote session for SVN remote access. Remote sessions can be more efficient than the ISvnRe
ScriptSvnAuthenticationRequest ¶ class ScriptSvnAuthenticationRequest. AuthenticationRequest ¶ Bases: object Subversion authentication request. Actually, one of the sub interfaces is delivered. Note O
CODESYS Visualization Support ¶ Details to AddOn “CODESYS Visualization Support” (Version ScriptImagePoolObject ImageLinkType ScriptImagePoolMarker ScriptImagePoolObject ScriptImagePoolItems
ScriptImagePoolObject ¶ class ScriptImagePoolObject. ImageLinkType ( value ) ¶ Bases: Enum This enumeration represents the way an image is embedded or linked into a project. Version added : Li
CODESYS Scripting ¶ Details to AddOn “CODESYS Scripting” (Version, released): ScriptOnline CredentialSourceKind() OnlineChangeOption ApplicationState OperatingState ResetOption BlockDriverType
ScriptOnline ¶ ScriptOnline. CredentialSourceKind ( Enum ) ¶ The kinds of authentication allowed for the fallback to the default handler. class ScriptOnline. OnlineChangeOption ( value ) ¶ Bases: Enum
ScriptSystem ¶ class ScriptSystem. PromptHandling ( value ) ¶ Bases: Enum Definition flags for prompt handling. Prompts are standard dialog boxes issued by plugins to inform or query the user. Simple
ScriptIecLanguageObjectContainer ¶ class ScriptIecLanguageObjectContainer. PouType ( value ) ¶ Bases: Enum Defines the type of the POU which is to be created. Version added : Program = 1 ¶ A P
ScriptUserManagement ¶ class ScriptUserManagement. ObjectPermissionKind ( value ) ¶ Bases: Enum This enumeration contains the various possibilites to access an object from the viewpoint of the User Ma
ScriptDeviceObject ¶ class ScriptDeviceObject. DeviceTrackingMode ( value ) ¶ Bases: Enum Enumeration that defines how a device is tracked on the network. Name = 0 ¶ Tracked by name (e.g. ‘MyPlc’). Sy