OfTask property event_pou_guid ¶ Guid of POU [...] . Return type : ScriptPou
IecLanguageObjectContainer. PouType ( value ) ¶ [...] the type of the POU [...] IecLanguageObjectContainer. SpecialPouType ( value
of the specified pou. A [...] The application which the POU [...] the object is no POU. Key
IecLanguageObjectContainer PouType DutType SpecialPouType Script [...] TaskObject ScriptWatchdog ScriptPou
in the project, like a POU
("{D9B2B2CC-EA99-4c3b-AA42-1E5C49E65B84}") SV_POU The POU view, SV_POU = Guid [...] , the “POU” view is used
that effectively every POU
IecLanguageObjectContainer PouType DutType SpecialPouType Script [...] TaskObject ScriptWatchdog ScriptPou
to the POU [...] string “POU Pool [...] .AppName” or by the special string “POU