ScriptSvnStatusCache ¶ class ScriptSvnStatusCache. SvnStatusCache ¶
External = 12 ¶ StatusCompleted = 13 ¶ Status [...] in the repository and can
of nodes which can [...] Plugins can verify [...] The properties, you can add
” status. reporter ( Svn [...] ConflictsInfo GetStatus ( objectId , flags = SvnGetStatus
SvnDataInterfaces. SvnStatusInfo ¶ [...] Subversion status [...] SVN 1.7, use SvnStatus
. You can pass the result [...] ObjectIdAchorType ConsolidateStatusInfos ( [...] Consolidates the status
that BrowseRepository can [...] that BrowseRepository can [...] the status decoration icon
status ( ) → ScriptGitStatus [...] the current status for the working tree. git-status
. You can use Script [...] that this device object can [...] can be inserted
StatusChanged ¶ Occurs whenever the SVN status [...] . Return type : SvnStatus