ScriptGitTreeEntryChanges ¶ class ScriptGitTreeEntryChanges. ScriptGitTreeEntryChanges
VisualElementList create_frame_reference [...] . Return type : ScriptVisualFrameReference [...] frame reference
VisualObject ScriptVisualFrameReference [...] ActionEventType ChangeShownVisualizationType SwitchFrame
. If the project was changed [...] change to a PLC [...] reference context
ExternalFileObject. ReferenceMode ( value ) ¶ [...] to control how changes [...] data of a _3S.CoDeSys.Core.External.IFileReference
VisualObject ScriptVisualFrameReference [...] SourceKind() OnlineChange [...] ExternalFileObject ReferenceMode Auto
Time property ChangedPaths ¶ [...] ( SvnChangeItem ) [...] SvnDataInterfaces. SvnChangeItem ¶
if the operation failed. add_reference [...] Adds a reference [...] reference, otherwise
, those changes [...] reference [...] . property references ¶
If the object refers to a SVN [...] of the properties refers to a SVN [...] of the properties refers to a SVN