Project. NativeImportResult ( [...] native XML import. no_changes = 1 ¶ The import
with the provided values. import [...] Import a device [...] file and import
SuggestedMergeSources = 17 ¶ Import = [...] ProjectServices .ImportProject(int, Uri [...] . Import = 268435459 ¶
Differences NativeImportResult NativeImport [...] ComparisonResult ExportReporter Import
. import [...] import the io mappings [...] of the file to import
schema. (Import will [...] is given. import_xml ( [...] import
¶ Like in import [...] ¶ Like in import [...] in import/export dialog
. import ( url : Uri , [...] Imports the project [...] message. import
Differences NativeImportResult NativeImport [...] ComparisonResult ExportReporter Import
Imports the project [...] to import. url ( Uri ) – [...] where to import the project