. FunctionBlock = 2 ¶ A function block. Function = 3 ¶ A function
TextualObject. ScriptTextDocument ¶ [...] Interface for a text [...] the length of the text
this function has to offer [...] as plain text (which [...] and prefer the plain text
in Non-UI mode. EnableText [...] basic text mode [...] is an information. Text = 16 ¶
DeclObjectName , stDeclObjectText [...] declaration object. stDeclObjectText [...] The declaration text
The original C# function [...] The original C# function [...] The original C# function
Scripting functionality [...] function to this event [...] text properties
. This is a text usually [...] function shall not ask
specific functionality [...] as plain text (which [...] and prefer the plain text
the unmergeable changes (real [...] Timestamps is set, this function [...] Timestamps is set, this function