64 Multiplies two unsigned 32-bit [...] is an unsigned 64-bit number [...] bit numbers. Note
64 Divides an unsigned 64-bit [...] 32 bit number [...] 64-bit number
64 Shifts an unsigned 64-bit [...] whether the target system supports 64 bit
64 Shifts an unsigned 64-bit [...] whether the target system supports 64 bit
the target system supports 64 bit types. In
64 Subtracts two unsigned 64-bit [...] of 32 bit numbers [...] 64-bit number
64 Adds two unsigned 64-bit [...] of 32 bit numbers [...] 64-bit number
copies “uiNumberOfBits [...] Destination” or “uiNumberOfBits [...] of bits copied! Source
#96]) UUID of SysTarget [...] Mapper NDR_32_BIT [...] #60]) UUID of 32 bit NDR
of “uiNumberOfBits [...] Destination” or “uiNumberOfBits [...] of bits to be copied