Replace Replaces <i [...] ReplaceWith, starting at the <iPosition>-th character position i
Out: Name Type iVal INT i [...] Val_Prepared REAL iCounter DINT i
DisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE iX INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT i
Return <i [...] , beginning at the <iPosition>-th character position. <i
SimpleRectangle BOOL Input iX INT iY INT iWidth INT i
ElemBase.Visu_TypeString xWstring BOOL i [...] FontName STRING iFontHeight INT [...] iMaxLength INT
Out: Name Type Initial iX INT iY INT iWidth INT -1 iHeight INT
DisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE iX INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT e
after the <iPosition>-th character position. <i [...] before the first character. <i
PrimArc_CreateFromArc (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Border (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Center (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI