Application ¶ DeviceInfo (Struct) Device
device [...] of the remote device [...] of the local device Swapping
_BACNET_ADDRESS If the BACnet application has only one device [...] of this device will be used
_BACNET_ADDRESS If the BACnet application has only one device [...] of this device will be used
_BACNET_ADDRESS If the BACnet application has only one device [...] of this device will be used
_BACNET_ADDRESS If the BACnet application has only one device [...] of this device will be used
_BACNET_ADDRESS If the BACnet application has only one device [...] of this device will be used
_BACNET_ADDRESS If the BACnet application has only one device [...] of this device will be used
_BACNET_ADDRESS If the BACnet application has only one device [...] of this device will be used
connected devices [...] PersistantItemList Delete [...] NotificationClient Unlock ActionRecordDelete