offset, computes [...] calculation of the axis [...] .CONFIGDATA fToolOffset SM
direction axis. Machine [...] of the linear axis (a1) is 0. X The X axis
iFrameOffset INT The offset [...] PaintFlags DWORD Additional
Inout AxisGroup AXIS [...] .5 dOffsetA0 LREAL 0 dOffsetA1 LREAL 0
=zero, then any tool offset [...] offsets parallel [...] U corresponding to the axis
Z describe the offset [...] A5 describe the offset of the additional axes P, Q, U, V
_HGantry2 IMPLEMENTS ISMPositionKinematics_Offset [...] WithInfo2 Transformation FB for a 2-axis [...] the y-axis rail
_TGantry2 IMPLEMENTS ISMPositionKinematics_Offset [...] WithInfo2 Transformation FB for a 2-axis [...] and they move the y-axis rail
_HGantry3 IMPLEMENTS ISMPositionKinematics_Offset [...] WithInfo2 Transformation FB for a 3-axis [...] the y-axis rail