) SetInitialValue [...] ) SetInitialValue [...] ) ObjectRetain (Method
_LREAL_to_DWORD (Function) Counter Counter [...] ) Counter_Dummy (Function
.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS IList3 , IModCounter [...] Element ContainsValue Count [...] Element (Method) ContainsValue
, a counter [...] the given value. <br [...] , the corresponding output values (
counter and this will [...] , has the same value for both reads, and “value is the same
those values [...] time / counters
for each value and a struct [...] for each individual value [...] _OK: Value
EventMgr_Interfaces.ICmpEventCallback, IModCounter [...] ElementWithoutSorting ContainsElement ContainsValue [...] Element (Method) ContainsValue
, the corresponding output values ( [...] to their initial values. ETrig [...] for operation in ms Output uiWorkingCounter
_SWITCHING_STATE (Enum) SMC_Value [...] CommunicationState (Method) GetActValuesForCycle (Method) GetSetValues