OutNullStream.Write (METH) ¶ METHOD Write : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Write BOOL Input pData POINTER TO BYTE nLen UDINT
StrToLower (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION StrToLower : STRING(255) InOut: Scope Name Type Input str STRING(255) Return StrToLower STRING(255)
StrToUpper (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION StrToUpper : STRING(255) InOut: Scope Name Type Input str STRING(255) Return StrToUpper STRING(255)
StringFormat ¶ Byte_To_HexString (Function) DWord_To_HexString (Function) HexChar (Function) HexValue (Function) LWord_To_HexString (Function) Serialize_BOOL (Function) Serialize_DINT (Function) Serialize_LREAL (Function) Serialize_String (Function) Serialize_UDINT (Function) Serialize_ULINT (Function) TgDebugText (Function) To_HexString_NLZ (Function) Word_To_HexString (Function)
ElemFun_Serialize (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL ElemFun_Serializer Methods: Serialize Structure: Serialize (Method)
Byte_To_HexString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Byte_To_HexString : STRING(5) Converts a byte to a string containing the value in hexadecimal representation. (0 -> ‘00’, 10 -> ‘0A’, 255 -> ‘FF’) InOut: Scope Name Type Return Byte_To_HexString STRING(5) Input B BYTE
DWord_To_HexString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DWord_To_HexString : STRING(10) Converts a DWORD value to a hexadecimal representation InOut: Scope Name Type Return DWord_To_HexString STRING(10) Input dw DWORD
HexChar (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION HexChar : BYTE Converts a value from 0 to 15 to its hexadecimal digit 0, .. 9, A, .. F. InOut: Scope Name Type Return HexChar BYTE Input b BYTE
HexValue (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION HexValue : STRING(2) Converts a BYTE to its hexadecimal representation InOut: Scope Name Type Return HexValue STRING(2) Input b BYTE
ElemFun_Serialize.Serialize (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL Serialize : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Serialize BOOL Input stream SM0.IOutStream recursive BOOL Inout Const ef ElemFun