from BACnetObjectBase GetBACnetDateTime [...] from BACnetObjectBase IsBACnetDateTime [...] from BACnetObjectBase SetBACnetDateTime
Ua_NodeId Timestamp OpcUa_DateTime
represents current time and date as a Julian Day
TIME lti LTIME d DATE dti DT tofd TOD [...] _OF_DAY ldti LDATE_AND_TIME
similar to SysTime [...] type SysTime [...] us to represents dates
similar to SysTime [...] type SysTime [...] us to represents dates
) SystemTimeDate (Struct [...] SysTime [...] SysTime23 Version 3
given time [...] time starts right [...] . The waiting time
61850_CDC_TMS Time duration [...] IEC61850_AT_INT32U Pre-trigger time AC [...] IEC61850_AT_INT32U Post-trigger time AC
Timestamp_to_DT (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Timestamp_to_DT : DATE_AND_TIME