, because there are some variables, that a [...] , that this GVL is a part [...] _diAlarmStateTransitionCounter DINT A global
: Resets outputs If a [...] to a timeout [...] HubDomainName STRING(255) Domain
_bind : INT bind a pathname to a unix [...] STRING(108) mode BYTE
of this function the size of a [...] ). Therefor a pointer [...] szComponent STRING
_GEOINFO objects in a list [...] providing a pointer [...] OUTQUEUEStructID WORD 16#9878 The fix
_IEC_HANDLE Create a TLS [...] : a send and a [...] using a reliable way
to register a DINT. In [...] OID STRING
block to register a [...] OID STRING
_IEC_HANDLE Opens a trace packet [...] Const pszName STRING
Values (GVL) for a [...] Path STRING