Inherited from Input wAxisStructID [...] _REF_SM3 wDriveId WORD 0 [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 dwErrorID
to dynamically changing BACnet-Property-Sets [...] ObjectBase ObjectID , inherited [...] ScheduleDefault SetPresentValue Set
FALSE sets n [...] axis sets its n [...] is set to errorstop .
, set to T [...] indication eErrorID Error Error ID itf
is already set to FALSE . [...] Error or eErrorID [...] Enable can be set to TRUE
Type PersistentPath ServerDeviceId [...] StopBACnetStack ReadRangeResultSetInfo ScanObjectsAndSet
Type PersistentPath ServerDeviceId [...] StopBACnetStack ReadRangeResultSetInfo ScanObjectsAndSet
, setting of the output [...] ClientBase Input fSafetyObjectId [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_BOOLEAN If set to true
, the CODE1 input sets [...] 1, and the CODE2 input sets [...] prvData.F_ID :=
StructEvent clientID DWORD 16#FFFFFFFF the extern id, might not be set if the event