<i [...] >, beginning at the <iPosition>-th character position. <i
DisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE iX INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT psz
Input iCode INT iParam INT iBit INT
StructSimpleRectangle iX1 INT iY1 INT iX2 INT iY2 INT
as (AddAxisValue(i+1) - AddAxisValue(i-1)) / (ElementLength(i
<i [...] >, beginning at the <iPosition>-th character position. <i
Out: Name Type i32AddressFamily INT i32Type DINT i
.ABORTED is reached. When i [...] Condition as input ( i [...] Complete is TRUE ) or ERROR ( i
DisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE iX INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT ps
Out: Name Initial Type_I8 0 Type_I16 Type_I [...] _UI64 Type_I64 Type