Const wCur DynState Input dj LREAL d
. Only the position of the axes (piStartPosition.dX/dY/dZ/dA/dB/dC/dA1/…/d [...] -code sentences Input b [...] edge. bAbort BOOL
bEnable BOOL st [...] Mode STRING(3) Output bDone BOOL bBusy BOOL b
Type Input b [...] FileNewName STRING(255) Output bDone BOOL bBusy BOOL b
PrimArc Inout Const vStart SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D [...] coordinates vDest SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D [...] coordinates vBorder SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D
queue in seconds d [...] to emit. bPausing BOOL b
bEnable BOOL st [...] FileSource STRING(255) Output bDone BOOL bBusy BOOL b
be positive dB LREAL [...] \ _ b \ _ J2 / x [...] and b
of interpolator dVel LREAL Path [...] of interpolator v SMC_VECTOR3D [...] dOffsetX LREAL
E object (w [...] SDOConfig INT Input w [...] TimeOut UDINT bAbort BOOL b