TypeInformation (GVL) Bus [...] ConfigParameter (Struct) IoConfigTask [...] ValueFlags (GVL) Task
between planning task and bus task: the minimum
: the queue is task safe in the following sense: the task [...] differ from the task
busCycle + getModuleDiagnosis) [...] .g. in bus error case
IParData. Do not execute in bus-cycle
Block) CommCycle (Method [...] DeviceDiag (FunctionBlock) IBus GetBusDiagnosisInfo (Method) GetBus
MsgRawInUse BYTE tBusCycleStart TIME pDPM DPM ulBus
_ResetWatchdog (Method) CIFX_StartBusCycle [...] DrvScanModules (Method) IoDrvStartBusCycle [...] DrvWriteOutputs (Method) ICmpIoDrvBus
Out: Name Type Comment ulCycle UDINT Redundancy task cycle count ul