DialogInterfaceSize GetElementId [...] Result GetText GetText [...] DialogInterfaceSize (Method) GetElementId
: RowHasChanged RowId [...] from IRowBase ColumnGet_TEXT [...] from IRowBase ColumnSet_TEXT
LastMouseUpEvent (Function) GetText (Function) GetTextByStringId
ObjTypeString (Function) BACnetObjectIdToText [...] PropIDString (Function) BACnetPropertyIdToText [...] DeleteDeviceAddressBindings (Function) BACnetDeleteObjectId
from IRow RowId , [...] from IRowBase ColumnGet_TEXT [...] from IRowBase ColumnSet_TEXT
LastError (Method) GetTextIdFromGroupID [...] GroupCount (Method) GetGroupFromID [...] GroupIDFromIndex (Method) GetGroupIndexFromID
. It will remove the text [...] or in the text file [...] Comment Inout GCodeText
Processing (FunctionBlock) FindBitmapIndexByID (Method) Draw DrawBitmapByID [...] Rect (Function) DrawText
AlarmGroup STRING uiAlarmID UINT [...] as WSTRING; dwAlarmMessageText [...] for alarm comments. dwCommentUserId
StorageGetMessageCount (Function) AlarmStorageGetTextId [...] Contents: ¶ ALARMGROUP_ID (Alias) ALARM_ID