.IQueryInterface Methods: GetBrowseName GetDescription GetDisplayName [...] TypeDefinition Structure: GetBrowseName
.IQueryInterface Methods: GetBrowseName GetDisplayName Get [...] TypeDefinition Structure: GetBrowseName
_DS_INVALID_PATH if at least one variable [...] InOut: Scope Name [...] Points to the name
Sibling IsVisible GetChildByBrowseName GetNextByBrowseName [...] ) OpcUa-Specific GetChildByBrowseName
-Application. Each BACnet-Server gets [...] . To get an idea [...] InOut: Scope Name
given variable. .. [...] TraceAddressInfoProvider.ReleaseTraceAddressInfoWriter InOut: Scope Name
Name Type Comment [...] OutputValue STRING stVariable
variable and send back [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] This variable signals the way
Param (PARAMS) ¶ InOut: Scope Name [...] (variable or complex