Execute BOOL Rising edge [...] Done BOOL Ready condition [...] Busy BOOL Operation
CompleteAccess (BOOL) enables [...] Execute BOOL Rising edge [...] Abort BOOL FALSE TRUE
Enable BOOL TRUE : [...] Output xDone BOOL TRUE [...] reached LCon xBusy BOOL
ServiceBuffer POINTER TO BYTE [...] ServiceBufferAdd POINTER TO BYTE [...] UseDynamicAddressResolution BOOL DSD
from Input xExecute BOOL [...] Done BOOL TRUE : Ready [...] Busy BOOL TRUE :
. It is an enhancement of the BOOL [...] .e. byte order [...] is the same than the byte order
Enable BOOL IN: If set [...] StationAddress BYTE IN: Station [...] TO BYTE IN: Data area
-program by defining a byte-array [...] Execute BOOL Starts [...] Abort BOOL If TRUE ,
Response: Byte count [...] about the register width (Response:Byte [...] width in Bytes
or byte array with a maximum of four bytes [...] ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE