IecVarAccGetFirstInterface2 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IecVarAccGetFirstInterface2 : IBase InOut: Scope Name Type Return IecVarAccGetFirstInterface2 IBase Input pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
IecVarAccGetNextInterface (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IecVarAccGetNextInterface : IIecVarAccess3 InOut: Scope Name Type Return IecVarAccGetNextInterface IIecVarAccess3 Input pIPrev IIecVarAccess3 pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
IecVarAccGetNextInterface2 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IecVarAccGetNextInterface2 : IBase InOut: Scope Name Type Return IecVarAccGetNextInterface2 IBase Input pIPrev IBase pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
IIecVarAccess (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IIecVarAccess Methods: AppendVariable BrowseDown BrowseGetNext BrowseGetRoot BrowseUp GetAccessRights GetAddress GetNode GetNodeFullPath GetNodeName GetNodeType GetSize GetSwapSize GetTypeClass GetValue RemoveVariable SetValue Swap Structure: AppendVariable (Method) BrowseDown (Method) BrowseGetNext (Method) BrowseGetRoot (Method) BrowseUp (Method) GetAccessRights (Method) GetAddress (Method) GetNode (Method) GetNodeFullPath (Method) GetNodeName (Method) GetNodeType (Method) GetSize (Method) GetSwapSize (Method) GetTypeClass (Method) GetValue (Method) RemoveVariable (Method) SetValue (Method) Swap (Method)
IecVarAccGetNode4 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IecVarAccGetNode4 : ICollections.IBaseTreeNode InOut: Scope Name Type Return IecVarAccGetNode4 ICollections.IBaseTreeNode Input pszPath POINTER TO STRING phInterface POINTER TO SysTypes.RTS_IEC_HANDLE pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.VariableInformationStruct3 pResult POINTER TO SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT
IecVarAccGetNodeFullPath4 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IecVarAccGetNodeFullPath4 : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return IecVarAccGetNodeFullPath4 DINT Input hInterface SysTypes.RTS_IEC_HANDLE hNode ICollections.IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.VariableInformationStruct3 pszPath POINTER TO STRING iMaxPath DINT pResult POINTER TO SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT
IIecVarAccess.AppendVariable (METH) ¶ METHOD AppendVariable : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return AppendVariable UDINT Input pNode IBaseTreeNode
IecVarAccGetNodeName4 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IecVarAccGetNodeName4 : SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return IecVarAccGetNodeName4 SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hInterface SysTypes.RTS_IEC_HANDLE hNode ICollections.IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.VariableInformationStruct3 pszNodeName POINTER TO STRING nNodeNameLen UDINT
IIecVarAccess.BrowseDown (METH) ¶ METHOD BrowseDown : IBaseTreeNode InOut: Scope Name Type Return BrowseDown IBaseTreeNode Input pNode IBaseTreeNode pResult POINTER TO UDINT
IecVarAccGetSymbolSetMask (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IecVarAccGetSymbolSetMask : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Return IecVarAccGetSymbolSetMask DWORD Input hUser RTS_IEC_HANDLE hInterface RTS_IEC_HANDLE pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT