STATE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE STATE : Every state listed below is represented by an element in the state chart. The PLCopen defines two different variables ( xEnable / xExecute ) for starting a function block depending on its type. For this reason a neutral name xControl has been chosen. The xControl input variable can act as a xExecute or an xEnable input variable. This depends on how the related action provider is decorated. If the action provider is decorated with IEdgeTriggered then the xControl input variable acts as an xExecute . If the action provider is decorated with ILevelControlled then the xControl input variable acts as an xEnable . Dormant : ⇒ Waiting for xControl ( xEnable / xExecute ) Starting : ⇒ StartAction is running, until xComplete is TRUE , xBusy ⇒ TRUE . At its beginning the SampleAction is probably executed one time. Executing : ⇒ CyclicAction is running until xComplete is TRUE Cleaning : ⇒ CleanupAction is running. At its end the ExitAction is probably executed one time. After a Ready Condition as input, only the output states Done ( xComplete is TRUE ) or Error ( eErrorID ≠ ERROR.NO_ERROR ) are possible. After a Error Condition as input, only the output state Error ( eErrorID ≠ ERROR.NO_ERROR ) is possible. Done : xDone ⇒ TRUE , xBusy ⇒ FALSE Error : xError ⇒ TRUE , eErrorID ≠ ERROR.NO_ERROR , xBusy ⇒ FALSE Resetting : ⇒ ResetAction is running, until xComplete is TRUE . After that: - the outputs xDone and xError will be set to FALSE . - The output eErrorID will be set to ERROR.NO_ERROR . Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment UNKNOWN 0 DORMANT Waiting for xControl ⇒ ( xEnable / xExecute ) STARTING IStartActionProvider.StartAction is running EXECUTING ICyclicActionProvider.CyclicAction is running CLEANING ICleanupActionProvider.CleanupAction is running DONE Ready condition reached ERROR Error condition reached ABORTED Abort condition reached RESETTING IResetActionProvider.ResetAction is running
ImplementationBase ¶ BehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider CleanupAction (Method) CyclicAction (Method) ExitAction (Method) ResetAction (Method) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) EdgeTriggeredBehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider SampleAction (Method) EdgeTriggeredTimingControlledBehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider SampleAction (Method) TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider CleanupAction (Method) CyclicAction (Method) ExitAction (Method) ResetAction (Method) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method)
BehaviourModelBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK BehaviourModelBase IMPLEMENTS IBehaviourModel , IConfigurationProvider , IConfigurationProvider2 , IActionProvider , IExitActionProvider Properties: ActionController ModelTimeLimit ModelTimeOut Methods: _Execute AbortModel CleanupAction CyclicAction ExitAction GetConfiguration GetConfiguration2 GetModelState ResetAction ResetModel StartAction StartModel Structure: IActionProvider CleanupAction (Method) CyclicAction (Method) ExitAction (Method) ResetAction (Method) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method)
EdgeTriggeredBehaviourModelBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK EdgeTriggeredBehaviourModelBase EXTENDS BehaviourModelBase IMPLEMENTS ISampleActionProvider Properties: ActionController , inherited from BehaviourModelBase ModelTimeLimit , inherited from BehaviourModelBase ModelTimeOut , inherited from BehaviourModelBase Methods: AbortModel , inherited from BehaviourModelBase CleanupAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase CyclicAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase ExitAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase GetConfiguration , inherited from BehaviourModelBase GetConfiguration2 , inherited from BehaviourModelBase GetModelState , inherited from BehaviourModelBase ResetAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase ResetModel , inherited from BehaviourModelBase SampleAction StartAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase StartModel , inherited from BehaviourModelBase _Execute , inherited from BehaviourModelBase Structure: IActionProvider SampleAction (Method)
EdgeTriggeredTimingControlledBehaviourModelBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK EdgeTriggeredTimingControlledBehaviourModelBase EXTENDS TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase IMPLEMENTS ISampleActionProvider Properties: ActionController , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase ModelTimeLimit , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase ModelTimeOut , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase Methods: AbortModel , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase CleanupAction , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase CyclicAction , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase ExitAction , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase GetConfiguration , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase GetConfiguration2 , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase GetModelState , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase ResetAction , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase ResetModel , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase SampleAction StartAction , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase StartModel , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase _Execute , inherited from TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase Structure: IActionProvider SampleAction (Method)
TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase IMPLEMENTS IBehaviourModel , IConfigurationProvider , IConfigurationProvider2 , IActionProvider , IExitActionProvider Properties: ActionController ModelTimeLimit ModelTimeOut Methods: _Execute AbortModel CleanupAction CyclicAction ExitAction GetConfiguration GetConfiguration2 GetModelState ResetAction ResetModel StartAction StartModel Structure: IActionProvider CleanupAction (Method) CyclicAction (Method) ExitAction (Method) ResetAction (Method) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method)
Library Reference ¶ This is a dictionary of all referenced libraries and their name spaces. IoDriver Profibus2 Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: IoDriver Profibus2 Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: IIoDrvProfibus Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: IoDriver Profibus2 Interfaces, * (System) SysMem ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: SysMem Default Resolution: SysMem, * (System) Namespace: SysMem Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: SysMem
Common Behaviour Model Library Documentation ¶ Company : CODESYS Title : Common Behaviour Model Version : Categories : Intern|Base Namespace : CBML Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : CBML Description [ 1 ] ¶ This library contains a full implementation of the Common Behaviour Model as an object-oriented CODESYS library. The function block BehaviourModel implements everything expected from a BehaviourModel in a centralized manner. This implementation is parameterized with, among other things, an IActionProvider instance. An ActionProvider implements the operations for the methods IStartActionProvider.StartAction (METH) , ICyclicActionProvider.CyclicAction (METH) , ICleanupActionProvider.CleanupAction (METH) or the IResetActionProvider.ResetAction (METH) . Depending on the required behaviour the ActionProvider can be decorated with a decorator such as ILevelControlled or IEdgeTriggered . For example, in order to build a function block with a LConC behaviour, its ActionProvider has to be decorated with the Interfaces ILevelControlled and IHasContinuousBehaviour . The StateMachine in the BehaviourModel then forces the ActionProvider to the appropriate LConC behaviour. In this case, STATE.EXECUTING can only be left through STATE.ABORTED or STATE.ERROR . STATE.DONE is not accessible. Furthermore the function block BehaviourModel implements the interface IBehaviourModel . This interface provides all methods and properties which are necessary for controlling a BehaviourModel instance via interface reference variables. When operating via an interface reference variable it should be possible to decide exactly when the state machine is called. For this purpose the methods BehaviourModel.StartModel (METH) , BehaviourModel.AbortModel (METH) , BehaviourModel.ResetModel (METH) and BehaviourModel.GetModelState (METH) have the parameter xCommit . Calling one of these methods with the value xCommit:=FALSE will only prepare the state changes and will not trigger the StateMachine to execute the related actions for changing the state. Calling one of these methods with the value xCommit:=TRUE will prepare the state changes and will then trigger the StateMachine to execute the necessary action in order to reach the next stable state. Sometimes the StateMachine needs more than one invocation to transit from one state to the next stable state. It is really important to retrieve the StateMachine only once per cycle. The function blocks ETrig , LCon and LConC each use a BehaviourModel instance. They also implement the interface IBehaviourModel . They define an own FB-Interface while delegating as much as possible to the implementation of the BehaviourModel (See the corresponding _Execute method). These function blocks then serve as basis for the inheritance of the function blocks ETrigA , ETrigATl , ETrigATo , ETRigATlTo , ETrigTlTo , ETRigTo , ETRigTl originating from ETrig , the function blocks LConTl , LConTo , LConTlTo originating from LCon and the function block LConTlC originating from LConC . The implementation of an IActionController can influence the conditions under which the BehaviourModel is allowed to execute the methods IStartActionProvider.StartAction , ICyclicActionProvider.CyclicAction , ICleanupActionProvider.CleanupAction , IExitActionProvider.ExitAction or IResetActionProvider.ResetAction of the corresponding IActionProvider . Contents: ¶ Common Behaviour Model Behaviour Model Edge Triggered Function Blocks Level Controlled Function Blocks Library Information GetLibVersion (Function) GetLibVersionNumber (Function) IsLibReleased (Function) Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on Common Behaviour Model.library, last modified 28.05.2024, 08:38:05. LibDoc The content file Common Behaviour Model.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 28.05.2024, 08:38:07.
Common Behaviour Model ¶ Overview of function blocks, Interfaces and decorators which are provided by the CODESYS Common Behaviour Model Library The library provides a base function block for each behaviour model specified by the PLCopen. Reusing by Composition The base function block for all timing controlled function blocks ( TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase ) can be created by using composition. For this the BehaviourModel function block and a TimingController function block is incorporated. The input variables itfActionProvider and itfTimigController are initialized properly. Additionally a set of interfaces is implemented. Every call of a method and every access to a property has to be delegated to the local BehaviourModel instance. Using composition for creating a new function block TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase The methods of the IActionProvider interface yield the possibility to adapt them inside the function block by extending the base function block. The implementation of the methods which are part of the IBehaviourModel interface (e.g. StartModel ), allow to couple the input and output variables between the locale BehaviourModel instance and the input and output variables of the extending function block. The method GetModelState was chosen for this task. The implementation of the body of the base function block is factored out to the protected method _Execute . So the behaviour of a call out of the PLC cycle can be modified by the function blocks extending this base function block later. Using Composition for Creating new Function Blocks Using composition for creating a new function block MC_MoveAbsolute using a ETrigA behaviour By creating two function blocks, one internal core function block and one public final function block it is possible to encapsulate the complete implementation details. Using this technique the layout of the public function block is completely decoupled from the layout of the internal function block (See the different naming conventions for variable names). Because of the FINAL keyword it is not possible to extend this function block in another context. So no problems can occur after changing some implementation details (For example adding some local variables). Because of the INTERNAL keyword nobody can use a function block marked in this way outside of its defined context, its original library. Reusing by Inheritance The base function block for a ETrigTl behaviour is created by extending the base function block TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase described in the last chapter. The common input and output variables are declared. Nearly the complete implementation can be inherited form the TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase function block. Only a small amount of code is necessary to adapt the new function block regarding the ETrigTl specification. The new function block is now a full member of the BehaviourModel family. It may be used as well via its inputs and outputs such as via the implemented interface IBehaviourModel . Using inheritance for creating a new function block ETrigTl The other function blocks like LCon , LConTl , LConTo , LConTlTo , LConC , LConTlC or ETrig , ETrigTo , ETrigTlTo , ETrigA , ETrigATl , ETrigATo , ETrigATo and ETrigATlTo are generated in the same way. Using Inheritance for Creating new Function Blocks To reuse such a base function block outside of the Common Behaviour Model Library it is necessary to create a new function block that extends the desired base function block from the library. Additional variables can be added and the specific implementation of its behavior can be placed into the methods StartAction , CyclicAction , CleanupAction and ResetAction . The inherited BehaviourModel instance will guarantee to call the right method at the right point in time. Using inheritance for creating a new function block MC_MoveAbsolute extending CBML.ETrig Behaviour Model ActionController (FunctionBlock) ControlCleanupAction (Method) ControlCyclicAction (Method) ControlExitAction (Method) ControlResetAction (Method) ControlSampleAction (Method) ControlStartAction (Method) BehaviourModel (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) StateMachine _StateMachine (Method) _CheckAbortCondition (Method) _CheckParameter (Method) _CheckTimeOutCondition (Method) _Execute (Method) _ResetAction (Method) Decorators IAbortable (Interface) IEdgeTriggered (Interface) IHasContinuousBehaviour (Interface) ILevelControlled (Interface) ITimeLimited (Interface) ITimeOutConstraint (Interface) ITimingControlled (Interface) Enums ERROR (Enum) STATE (Enum) ImplementationBase BehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider CleanupAction (Method) CyclicAction (Method) ExitAction (Method) ResetAction (Method) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) EdgeTriggeredBehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider SampleAction (Method) EdgeTriggeredTimingControlledBehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider SampleAction (Method) TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider CleanupAction (Method) CyclicAction (Method) ExitAction (Method) ResetAction (Method) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) Interfaces IActionController (Interface) ControlCleanupAction (Method) ControlCyclicAction (Method) ControlExitAction (Method) ControlResetAction (Method) ControlStartAction (Method) IActionController2 (Interface) ControlSampleAction (Method) IActionProvider IActionProvider (Interface) ICleanupActionProvider (Interface) CleanupAction (Method) ICyclicActionProvider (Interface) CyclicAction (Method) IExitActionProvider (Interface) ExitAction (Method) IResetActionProvider (Interface) ResetAction (Method) ISampleActionProvider (Interface) SampleAction (Method) IStartActionProvider (Interface) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel (Folder) AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) IConfigurationProvider (Interface) GetConfiguration (Method) IConfigurationProvider2 (Interface) GetConfiguration2 (Method) ITimingController (Interface) ControllerCheckTiming (Method) ControllerTimeLimit (Property) ControllerTimeOut (Property) CurrentControllerTime (Property) StartInvocationTimer (Method) StartOperationTimer (Method) TimingController (FunctionBlock) ControllerCheckTiming (Method) ControllerTimeLimit (Property) ControllerTimeOut (Property) CurrentControllerTime (Property) StartInvocationTimer (Method) StartOperationTimer (Method) Edge Triggered Function Blocks ETrig (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel GetModelState (Method) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) ETrigA (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) GetModelState (Method) ResetModel (Method) _Execute (Method) ETrigATl (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) ETrigATlTo (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeOut (Property) _Execute (Method) ETrigATo (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) ETrigTl (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) ETrigTlTo (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeOut (Property) _Execute (Method) ETrigTo (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) Interfaces IETrig (Interface) IETrigA (Interface) IETrigATl (Interface) IETrigATlTo (Interface) IETrigATo (Interface) IETrigTl (Interface) IETrigTlTo (Interface) IETrigTo (Interface) Level Controlled Function Blocks Continuous Behaviour without xDone Interfaces ILConC (Interface) ILConTlC (Interface) LConC (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) GetModelState (Method) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) LConTlC (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) Regular Behaviour with xDone Interfaces ILCon (Interface) ILConTl (Interface) ILConTlTo (Interface) ILConTo (Interface) LCon (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) GetModelState (Method) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) LConTl (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) LConTlTo (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeOut (Property) _Execute (Method) LConTo (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method)
Behaviour Model ¶ The two basic types of function blocks in the Common Behaviour Model library are the Edge Triggered function blocks and the Level Controlled function blocks. They are defined by their different inputs: Edge Triggered function blocks have a xExecute input whereas Level Controlled function blocks have a xEnable input. Please take a look to a more detailed description of Edge Triggered Function Blocks Level Controlled Function Blocks The CODESYS Common Behaviour Model Library provides a full-fledged implementation of the PLCopen Behaviour Model . The function block BehaviourModel implements in a central place all the Requirements of a behaviour model. One main part of the behaviour model is the implementation of a state machine according to the following state chart. The state chart implemented by the BehaviourModel function block Starting : ⇒ StartAction is running, until xComplete is TRUE , xBusy ⇒ TRUE At its beginning the SampleAction is probably executed one time. Executing : ⇒ CyclicAction is running until xComplete is TRUE Cleaning : ⇒ CleanupAction is running. At its end the ExitAction is probably executed one time. After a Ready Condition as input, only the output states Done ( xComplete is TRUE ) or Error ( eErrorID ≠ ERROR.NO_ERROR ) are possible. After a Error Condition as input, only the output state Error ( eErrorID ≠ ERROR.NO_ERROR ) is possible. After a Abort Condition as Input, only the output states Aborted ( xAbort is TRUE ) or Error ( eErrorID ≠ ERROR.NO_ERROR ) are possible. ( xBusy is still TRUE !) Done : xDone ⇒ TRUE , xBusy ⇒ FALSE Error : xError ⇒ TRUE , eErrorID ≠ ERROR.NO_ERROR , xBusy ⇒ FALSE Aborted : xAborted ⇒ TRUE , xBusy ⇒ FALSE Resetting : ⇒ ResetAction is running, until xComplete is TRUE . After that: - the outputs xDone , xError and xAborted will be set to FALSE . - The output eErrorID will be set to ERROR.NO_ERROR . A BehaviourModel instance has among others an input variable itfActionProvider of the type IActionProvider . An action provider implements the operations that shall be executed in the related states of the state machine. The decoration of an action provider determines the behaviour of the state machine. If an action provider for example should follow the requirements for an LConC behaviour it should be decorated with the ILevelControlled and the IHasContinuousBehaviour decorator. The state machine of the behaviour model forces the action provider then to an appropriate behavior. In the example it is only possible to transit form the state Executing over Cleaning to the states Error or Resetting . The states Done and Aborted are inaccessible. In fact a concrete decoration of the action provider will transform the original state chart to a specialized state chart, which fulfills the specific requirements. A specialized state chart, “transformed” by the decorators ILevelControlled and IHasContinuousBehaviour ⇒ LConC To simplify the programming, there is the appropriate definition for each behavioral model. See the definition of the following interfaces: ILCon , ILConTl , ILConTo , ILConTlTo , ILConC , ILConTlC , IETrig , IETrigTo , IETrigTlTo , IETrigA , IETrigATl , IETrigATo , IETrigATo , IETrigATlTo Furthermore the function block BehaviourModel implements the interfaces IBehaviourModel These interface provides all methods and properties which are necessary for controlling a BehaviourModel instance via interface reference variables. When operating via an interface reference variable it should be possible to decide exactly when the state machine is called. For this the methods StartModel , AbortModel , ResetModel and GetModelState has a parameter xCommit . Calling one of these methods with the value xCommit:=FALSE will only prepare the state changes and will not trigger the state machine to execute the related actions for changing the state. Calling one of these methods with the value xCommit:=TRUE will prepare the state changes and will then trigger the state machine to execute the necessary action to reach the next stable state. It is important to know, that the state machine sometimes needs more than one invocation to transit from on state to the next stable state. With this in mind the code example at IBehaviourModel might be useful for handling a common behaviour model via an interface reference variable. ActionController (FunctionBlock) ControlCleanupAction (Method) ControlCyclicAction (Method) ControlExitAction (Method) ControlResetAction (Method) ControlSampleAction (Method) ControlStartAction (Method) BehaviourModel (FunctionBlock) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) StateMachine _StateMachine (Method) _CheckAbortCondition (Method) _CheckParameter (Method) _CheckTimeOutCondition (Method) _Execute (Method) _ResetAction (Method) Decorators IAbortable (Interface) IEdgeTriggered (Interface) IHasContinuousBehaviour (Interface) ILevelControlled (Interface) ITimeLimited (Interface) ITimeOutConstraint (Interface) ITimingControlled (Interface) Enums ERROR (Enum) STATE (Enum) ImplementationBase BehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider CleanupAction (Method) CyclicAction (Method) ExitAction (Method) ResetAction (Method) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) EdgeTriggeredBehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider SampleAction (Method) EdgeTriggeredTimingControlledBehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider SampleAction (Method) TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase (FunctionBlock) IActionProvider CleanupAction (Method) CyclicAction (Method) ExitAction (Method) ResetAction (Method) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetConfiguration (Method) GetConfiguration2 (Method) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method) Interfaces IActionController (Interface) ControlCleanupAction (Method) ControlCyclicAction (Method) ControlExitAction (Method) ControlResetAction (Method) ControlStartAction (Method) IActionController2 (Interface) ControlSampleAction (Method) IActionProvider IActionProvider (Interface) ICleanupActionProvider (Interface) CleanupAction (Method) ICyclicActionProvider (Interface) CyclicAction (Method) IExitActionProvider (Interface) ExitAction (Method) IResetActionProvider (Interface) ResetAction (Method) ISampleActionProvider (Interface) SampleAction (Method) IStartActionProvider (Interface) StartAction (Method) IBehaviourModel (Folder) AbortModel (Method) ActionController (Property) GetModelState (Method) ModelTimeLimit (Property) ModelTimeOut (Property) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) IConfigurationProvider (Interface) GetConfiguration (Method) IConfigurationProvider2 (Interface) GetConfiguration2 (Method) ITimingController (Interface) ControllerCheckTiming (Method) ControllerTimeLimit (Property) ControllerTimeOut (Property) CurrentControllerTime (Property) StartInvocationTimer (Method) StartOperationTimer (Method) TimingController (FunctionBlock) ControllerCheckTiming (Method) ControllerTimeLimit (Property) ControllerTimeOut (Property) CurrentControllerTime (Property) StartInvocationTimer (Method) StartOperationTimer (Method)