IAbortable (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IAbortable EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Used for IActionProvider instances whose behaviour model requires a xAbort input and a xAborted output This decorator is referenced by the following interfaces: IETrigA (ITF) | IETrigATl (ITF) | IETrigATlTo (ITF) | IETrigATo (ITF)
IEdgeTriggered (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IEdgeTriggered EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Used for IActionProvider instances whose behaviour model requires a xExecute input See Edge Triggered Function Blocks for more information about the meaning of the xExecute input. This decorator is referenced by the following interfaces: IETrig (ITF) | IETrigA (ITF) | IETrigATl (ITF) | IETrigATlTo (ITF) | IETrigATo (ITF) | IETrigTl (ITF) | IETrigTlTo (ITF) | IETrigTo (ITF)
IHasContinuousBehaviour (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IHasContinuousBehaviour EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Used for IActionProvider instances whose behaviour model requires no xDone output This decorator is referenced by the following interfaces: ILConC (ITF) | LConTlC (FB)
ILevelControlled (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ILevelControlled EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Used for IActionProvider instances whose behaviour model requires a xEnable input See Level Controlled Function Blocks for more information about the meaning of the xEnable input. This decorator is referenced by the following interfaces: ILCon (ITF) | ILConTl (ITF) | ILConTlTo (ITF) | ILConTo (ITF) | ILConC (ITF) | ILConTlC (ITF)
ITimeLimited (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITimeLimited EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Used for IActionProvider instances whose behaviour model requires a udiTimeLimit input This decorator is referenced by the following interfaces: IETrigTl (ITF) | IETrigTlTo (ITF) | IETrigATl (ITF) | IETrigATlTo (ITF) | ILConTl (ITF) | ILConTlTo (ITF) | ILConTlC (ITF)
ITimeOutConstraint (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITimeOutConstraint EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Used for IActionProvider instances whose behaviour model requires a udiTimeOut input This decorator is referenced by the following interfaces: IETrigTo (ITF) | IETrigTlTo (ITF) | IETrigATo (ITF) | IETrigATlTo (ITF) | ILConTo (ITF) | ILConTlTo (ITF)
ITimingControlled (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITimingControlled EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Used for IActionProvider instances whose behaviour model either requires a udiTimeLimit or a udiTimeOut input. It can also require both of these inputs. Because of this the related BehaviourModel instance is using an ITimingController instance. This decorator is referenced by the following interfaces: IETrigTl (ITF) | IETrigTo (ITF) | IETrigTlTo (ITF) | IETrigATl (ITF) | IETrigATo (ITF) | IETrigATlTo (ITF) | ILConTl (ITF) | ILConTo (ITF) | ILConTlTo (ITF) | ILConTlC (ITF)
ETrig (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK ETrig EXTENDS EdgeTriggeredBehaviourModelBase IMPLEMENTS IETrig This function block is a base implementation of a PLCopen Edge Triggered Behavior Model (see: IETrig ). For use, this block should be extended and the specific inputs and outputs must be supplemented. The output eErrorID of the application-specific enum type ERROR must be added. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input xExecute BOOL Rising edge: Starts defined operation FALSE : Resets the defined operation after ready condition was reached Output xDone BOOL TRUE : Ready condition reached xBusy BOOL TRUE : Operation is running xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached Properties: ActionController , inherited from BehaviourModelBase ModelTimeLimit , inherited from BehaviourModelBase ModelTimeOut , inherited from BehaviourModelBase Methods: _Execute AbortModel , inherited from BehaviourModelBase CleanupAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase CyclicAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase ExitAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase GetConfiguration , inherited from BehaviourModelBase GetConfiguration2 , inherited from BehaviourModelBase GetModelState ResetAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase ResetModel SampleAction , inherited from EdgeTriggeredBehaviourModelBase StartAction , inherited from BehaviourModelBase StartModel Structure: IBehaviourModel GetModelState (Method) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method) _Execute (Method)
IBehaviourModel ¶ GetModelState (Method) ResetModel (Method) StartModel (Method)
ETrig._Execute (METH) ¶ METHOD PROTECTED _Execute InOut: Scope Name Type Output eErrorID ERROR