DataSourcesQualityChecker (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataSourcesQualityChecker This utility function block can be used for concurrently checking the quality of currently monitored items by all datasources. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input iMaxLockedCount INT 3 The maximal number of subsequently allowed problems (due to multitasking issues) with asking the datasourcesmanager if all items are ok. If the value is <= 0, then the locked state will be returned as everything is ok. ds IDatasources.IDatasourcesMgr The instance of the datasources manager, typically g_Datasources Output xAllOk BOOL Whether all items are ok xTooManyTimesLocked BOOL Whether the dataserver has been locked too often xErrorParameter BOOL The parameters are invalid
DataSources_PRG (PRG) ¶ PROGRAM DataSources_PRG InOut: Scope Name Type Input ptaskinfo POINTER TO DWORD papplicationinfo POINTER TO _IMPLICIT_APPLICATION_INFO
DataItemListPublic (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataItemListPublic IMPLEMENTS IDataItemListInternal , IDatasources.IDataItemListExpanding Properties: Count Methods: FB_Exit CanItemBeAdded Clear CreateAndAdd CreateAndAddExpanding GetItem Initialize Release Structure: FB_Exit (Method) IDataIemListInternal Release (Method) IDataItemList Clear (Method) Count (Property) CreateAndAdd (Method) GetItem (Method) IDataItemListExpanding CreateAndAddExpanding (Method) Internal Initialize (Method) Protected CanItemBeAdded (Method)
DataItemListPublicPersistant (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataItemListPublicPersistant EXTENDS DataItemListPublic IMPLEMENTS IDatasources.IDataItemListPersistant Properties: Count , inherited from DataItemListPublic Usage UsageDetails Methods: FB_Exit CanItemBeAdded Clear , inherited from DataItemListPublic CreateAndAdd , inherited from DataItemListPublic CreateAndAddExpanding , inherited from DataItemListPublic FinishedAdding GetItem , inherited from DataItemListPublic Initialize Release , inherited from DataItemListPublic Structure: FB_Exit (Method) IDataItemListPersistant FinishedAdding (Method) Usage (Property) UsageDetails (Property) Internal Initialize (Method) Protected CanItemBeAdded (Method)
DataItemPtrVector (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataItemPtrVector EXTENDS Collections.BaseVector Methods: AddItem GetItem Remove Structure: AddItem (Method) GetItem (Method) Remove (Method)
DataItemVector (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataItemVector EXTENDS Collections.BaseVector Methods: AddItem GetArrayPtr GetItem Remove abstrAssign abstrDataPtrChanged abstrGetElementPtr abstrSizeOfElement Structure: AddItem (Method) GetArrayPtr (Method) GetItem (Method) Remove (Method) abstrAssign (Method) abstrDataPtrChanged (Method) abstrGetElementPtr (Method) abstrSizeOfElement (Method)
IPStringAndIntElement (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IPStringAndIntElement EXTENDS IPStringElement Extension of the pointer to string element that additionally takes an int value as part of the key Properties: PStringValue , inherited from IPStringElement
IPStringElement (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IPStringElement EXTENDS COL.IElement Element interface for Strings Properties: PStringValue Structure: PStringValue (Property)
PStringElement (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK PStringElement EXTENDS COL.FBF.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS IPStringElement Element wrapper for STRING values. InOut: Scope Name Type Input psValue POINTER TO STRING Properties: PStringValue Methods: ElementCompareTo ElementEquals ElementHashCode Structure: ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) PStringValue (Property)
AssignerBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK AssignerBase IMPLEMENTS ILocalAssigner Properties: IsValueForBitAssignment Methods: AssignReadValue AtomicAssignIfPossible FB_Exit GetBitValuePtr GetRawValue SetRawValue Structure: AssignReadValue (Method) AtomicAssignIfPossible (Method) FB_Exit (Method) GetBitValuePtr (Method) GetRawValue (Method) IsValueForBitAssignment (Property) SetRawValue (Method)