Input xExecute BOOL [...] Abort BOOL Aborts [...] in bytes (between 1
Input bExecute BOOL [...] Abort BOOL If FALSE at a [...] DataOut is emptied bAppend BOOL
be acquired. index IEC_BACNET_ARRAY_INDEX The property array index [...] . If the property is not an array
BOOL This method [...] MouseBtnEvent BOOL Input bMouseUpEvent BOOL The event type
BaseAddresses ARRAY [0..4] OF DWORD [...] IntVec BYTE PCI interrupt [...] IntAll POINTER TO BYTE PCI
Connection BOOL Input S_byResetError BYTE Error code
, that has to be written xHasToSwap BOOL [...] , whether the bytes
, that has to be written xHasToSwap BOOL [...] , whether the bytes
, that has to be written xHasToSwap BOOL [...] , whether the bytes
ConnectionType BYTE definition, see [...] UseOutputBit BOOL only valid