Ua_String Signature OpcUa_ByteString
in byte. The variable [...] be at least of LEN byte [...] TO BYTE Data record
GetNextAlgorithm (Function) CryptoRtsByteStringExit (Function) CryptoRtsByteStringInit (Function) CryptoRtsByte
..(ADAPTER_INFO_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 1)] OF BYTE MAC [...] in network byte order Net [...] in network byte order
that are no longer than 4 bytes [...] Subindex BYTE The sub index [...] Data ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE
that are no longer than 4 bytes [...] Subindex BYTE The sub index [...] [1..4] OF BYTE
OF BYTE or ARRAY [...] TO BYTE Pointer to a [...] [0..ModbusCommand.uiWriteLen / 8] OF BYTE p
longer than 4 Bytes [...] Bytes (SI (structure [...] Buffer POINTER TO BYTE 0