FindInitialNamespaceIndex : BOOL In [...] FindInitialNamespaceIndex BOOL Input tokens ARRAY [0..10] OF WORD
3_ETC_SLAVE Input xExecute BOOL xAbort BOOL usiChannel USINT 1 wIDN WORD by
Input wStatusWord WORD bPreApplication BOOL _b
_ETC_SLAVE Input xExecute BOOL xAbort BOOL FALSE wIndex WORD bySubindex BYTE
CoEInit : BOOL Checks [...] CoEInit BOOL Input wIndex WORD bySubIndex BYTE
can be simple (BOOL, BYTE, WORD, etc [...] ParameterBitOffset WORD Bitoffset
3_ETC_SLAVE Input xExecute BOOL xAbort BOOL FALSE wIndex WORD bySubindex BYTE
_ETC_SLAVE Input xExecute BOOL xAbort BOOL FALSE wIndex WORD bySubindex BYTE
3_ETC_SLAVE Input xExecute BOOL xAbort BOOL FALSE wIndex WORD bySubindex BYTE
_ETC_SLAVE Input xExecute BOOL xAbort BOOL FALSE wIndex WORD bySubindex BYTE