encoding Output eErrorID ERROR Check error
Diagnostics Output eErrorID ERROR [...] ConnectionDiagnostics ^. itfTotalError
Diagnostics Output eErrorID ERROR [...] ReaderDiagnostics ^. itfTotalError
Diagnostics Output eErrorID ERROR [...] RootDiagnostics ^. itfTotalError
Diagnostics Output eErrorID ERROR [...] WriterDiagnostics ^. itfTotalError
_CALLBACK callback description peError POINTER TO ERROR Pointer to an error ID
INT Error ARRAY [0 [...] -errorcode, the 2. Byte [...] 3+4(index 2+3) contain
INT Error ARRAY [0 [...] -errorcode, the 2. Byte [...] 3+4(index 2+3) contain
”. ClientRequest Output eErrorID [...] is running ETrigTo xError BOOL Error condition
”. ClientRequest Output eErrorID [...] is running ETrigTo xError BOOL Error condition