for exactly one cycle [...] Instance DWORD BaseService tTimeOut TIME Base
for exactly one cycle [...] Instance DWORD BaseService tTimeOut TIME Base
for exactly one cycle [...] Instance DWORD BaseService tTimeOut TIME Base
will be ignored. fDeadTime LREAL -1 Time lag in cycles between f
PingInterval TIME TIME#2s0ms Ping [...] s) udiTimeOut UDINT 0 Defines the time (µs
with the current time stamp [...] for this cycle due to Trace
_Interpolator ) dwIpoTime DWORD 0 Cycle time [...] and adds up the time
Cycle Time (SCT). SCT [...] _tTransmissionRate TIME TIME [...] Address. S_tSCT TIME
for exactly one cycle. ETrigTo udiTime [...] the time (µs
_ClientType CHECKED_OMIT VISU_CYCLE_TIME [...] _OMIT CurrentUseAutoLogoutTime [...] _OMIT CurrentRemainingAutoLogoutTime