Eigenschaften (Status) t tyIEC61850_AT_Time [...] _DC BOOL d_REF INT [...] dU_REF INT
Comment Input iTimeOut INT Time
.CLEANING is reached. With itfTiming [...] the current invocation time (see: ITimingController.ControllerCheckTiming
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro [...] to disable time out. Inout
. lastCounterResetTime OpcUa_DateTime The last time
PERIODS INT (1..10) 1 A period is the time [...] has been finished. Or time
iTaskId INT Proxy [...] count ltElapTime LTIME Elapsed time
of the currently read row liAbsPacketStartTime [...] start time of the 1 [...] CountVariables INT The number
-Names dwTimeStampMS DWORD wTimeStampDay WORD iTrgOpt INT
Number INT 1 1 1 2 First [...] Direction INT 1=Pos 2=Neg 0 [...] SwitchMode INT 0=Position 0