Endpoint (200 = 0 [...] ApplicationReadyTimeout TIME TIME#5m0s0ms PN
BufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0
ConfigurationSource BIT 0: PDCT 1: PNIO ARState BIT 0: IO
_SIZE Bit 0-7: Bit Offset (0..63) in p
Main.NumAxes, kinAxis = 0 and idx = 0. If kin
in the domain of 0 <= x <= (x1-x0 [...] by the following equation: y = a0 [...] _SEGMENT Input x0 LREAL Master
: 0: power_off 1 [...] _REF_SM3 wDriveId WORD 0 [...] Owner INT 0 Parameter
App Version [...] .04.2021, 15:33:22. LibDoc
SoftingProfibus Version [...] .04.2021, 15:56:04. LibDoc
: 1 = CAN0, 2 = CAN [...] A405Base TIMEOUT UDINT 0 Timeout in ms; 0 means