at the requested points rf.c: rf(fc:= f(rf.c)) ; Note [...] The value of f at point c
H libraryFile Raspberry I2C [...] File Raspberry I2C Gyroscopes [...] Raspberry I2C Gyroscopes
last rune [c_liMinIndex <= liStart <= c [...] last rune [c
last rune [c_liMinIndex <= liStart <= c [...] last rune [c
_Server EXTENDS LConC [...] /resets the defined operation LConC [...] is running LConC x
in degree dOffsetC LREAL [...] C in degree d [...] of axis B in degree dC
Limit of type <c>FileLimit.Records</c
in SoftMotion units dOffsetC [...] offset of axis C [...] in degree dC LREAL
-commands transferExt (Method) i2c i2c (Function [...] (Property) i2c
_iNrOfMemRegions INT 8 g_cMemRegionIndex_CM_PER INT 0 Regions g_cMemRegionIndex_GPIO0 INT 1 g_c