the method Initialize [...] _OUT_OF_LIMITS if the array passed to the Initialize* method
the method Initialize [...] _OUT_OF_LIMITS if the array passed to the Initialize* method
with an array of readily initialized Device [...] Name Type Initial
Connection (Method) SetInitial [...] ServiceError (Method) NamespaceArray (FunctionBlock) SetInitial
Out: Name Type Initial aSrcMac ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE
Type Initial Input aSrcMac ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE
Initial g_axesCS ARRAY [...] XYChartAxisClientSpecific g_curvesCS ARRAY
initialization data [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_PROPERTY_INSTANCE The pointer to the array [...] for the object initialization
initialization data [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_PROPERTY_INSTANCE The pointer to the array [...] for the object initialization
Out: Name Type Initial bArray1 ARRAY [0 [...] , 11] dwArray1 ARRAY