belongs to udiAlarmClass [...] of the referenced alarm class [...] ProxyStructMonitorAlarm
class ALARM_CLASS 9 [...] VisuEnumAlarmDataType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumAlarm
, the alarm class and the alarm group udiAlarmClass [...] of the alarm class the alarm
Group.GetInternalID udiAlarmClass [...] of the alarm class the alarm [...] to the referenced alarm class li
CheckNotifiableTransitionOfAlarm [...] CheckNotifiableTransitionOfAlarm [...] of this alarm regarding
IAlarmClass [...] IAlarmClass2 EXTENDS IAlarmClass Properties
Alarm [...] Alarm [...] from the alarm storage into a
Alarm [...] Alarm [...] from the alarm storage into a
Alarm [...] Alarm [...] from the alarm storage into a
IProxyMonitor.GetAlarmsDescription (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAlarmsDescription Gets the alarms