(Enum) ExceptionCodes (Enum) FunctionCodes [...] Options (Enum) PrimaryTables
sequence of g-code [...] is aborted symbolTable SMC_INCSymbolTable The symbol table used
of a table. In [...] GetIndexId ERROR The error code [...] of the index sTable STRING
of an index of a table. In [...] code. Can return [...] of the index sTable STRING
Ua_UInt32 ServiceResult OpcUa_StatusCode [...] Ua_DiagnosticInfo NoOfStringTable OpcUa_Int32 StringTable
Equals (Method) ElementHashCode [...] Info (Property) FrameRegistrationDataHashTable [...] Equals (Method) ElementHashCode
the error code [...] are absolute timestamps. xCloseTable [...] the database and the table
. Same value like in C# code [...] . Same value like in C# code [...] like in C# code
) ExceptionCodes (Enum) FunctionCodes (Enum [...] ) PrimaryTables (Enum
. Supported function codes [...] function codes can [...] code needs