exchange Component_malfunction 16#5010 Component [...] fault – Reset Device
component Cmp [...] component, or an IEC [...] MgrPacketDelete Contents: ¶ Component
) OnReset [...] ) OnReset [...] (Method) Reset (Method
InstSize (Property) Components ComponentBase (Function [...] Interface (Method) Component
61850_Encoding_Array_Struct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Component (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ComponentSingle (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Component
_CmpApp DWORD 16#2 Component [...] _CmpAppConfig WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpAppReset WORD 16#1 EVTVERSION_CmpAppReset
InstSize (Property) Components ComponentBase (Function [...] Interface (Method) Component
61850_Encoding_Array_Struct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Component (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ComponentSingle (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Component
the component [...] will equal component [...] be cleared at each reset
LogMessage (Function) Component [...] Request2 (Method) Reset (Method