Specific ErrorCode Name , [...] ItemBase ErrorCode (Property [...] ItemBase ElementHashCode ,
Constants ¶ CIPGeneralErrorCodes (GVL [...] ConfigParamIDs (GVL) NetXErrorCodes
PROFINET error code, consists of ErrorCode, ErrorDecode, ErrorCode
Profinet error code, consists of ErrCode, ErrDecode, ErrCode1 and ErrCode2
system error code (see CmpErrors [...] system error code (see
EMCY_ERROR_CODE [...] is pending. If EMCY_ERROR_CODE [...] Error code: see
reconfiguring eError returns ERROR.NOT_SUPPORTED . [...] example code disables a
:21:18 FirmCode int 101597 ProductCode 8720 [...] ://license.codesys.com AlternativeFirmCodes
:23:17 FirmCode int 101597 ProductCode 8764 [...] ActivationUrl AlternativeFirmCodes
:24:07 FirmCode int 101597 ProductCode 8716 [...] ://license.codesys.com AlternativeFirmCodes