Builder.ObjectRetain (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL ObjectRetain : STR.ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return ObjectRetain STR.ERROR
Builder.Len (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL Len : UDINT Returns the number of accumulated bytes InOut: Scope Name Type Return Len UDINT Output eErrorID STR.ERROR
IStringRepresentation ¶ Len (Method) ToIString (Method)
Builder.SetInitialValue (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL SetInitialValue : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetInitialValue ERROR Input itfString IString
RangePool (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL RangePool VAR_GENERIC A RangePool is used to efficiently provide IRange instances for other string operations An STR.IRangePool instance can be very helpful for the implmentation of STR.IRangeProvider See: STR.IRangePool Methods: GetRange ObjectRelease ObjectRetain Structure: IDisposable ObjectRelease (Method) ObjectRetain (Method) IRangePool GetRange (Method)
IDisposable ¶ ObjectRelease (Method) ObjectRetain (Method)
IRangePool ¶ GetRange (Method)
StringPool (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL StringPool VAR_GENERIC A StringPool is used to efficiently provide IString instances for other string operations See: STR.IStringPool Methods: GetString ObjectRelease ObjectRetain Structure: IDisposable ObjectRelease (Method) ObjectRetain (Method) IStringPool GetString (Method)
IDisposable ¶ ObjectRelease (Method) ObjectRetain (Method)
IStringPool ¶ GetString (Method)