IEC_TMWTYPES_SCALED_DOUBLE (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE IEC_TMWTYPES_SCALED_DOUBLE : STRUCT This allows for a scaled integer representation of floating point value as well as the floating point value itself. This also allows the database to determine how the floating point value would be rounded if an integer value is to be sent in a response. dval will be used if a floating point value is required, lval will be used if an integer value is required. InOut: Name Type dval IEC_TMWTYPES_DOUBLE lval IEC_TMWTYPES_LONG
Enums ¶ CmpDNP3ChannelReason (Enum) CmpDNP3ChannelState (Enum) CmpDNP3Error (Enum) CmpDNP3IoConfigParameter (Union) CmpDNP3IoType (Enum) CmpDNP3Mode (Enum) CmpDNP3Parity (Enum) CmpDNP3Role (Enum) CmpDNP3SessionEvent (Enum) CmpDNP3StopBits (Enum)
CmpDNP3ChannelReason (ENUM) ¶ TYPE CmpDNP3ChannelReason : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name no_error config_error channel_create_thread_failed channel_no_resources channel_no_such_type socket_not_created socket_options_failed socket_bind_failed socket_listen_failed socket_no_resources socket_create_listen_thread_failed socket_send_failed socket_socket_closed com_no_resources com_no_such_port com_set_config_failed
CmpDNP3ChannelState (ENUM) ¶ TYPE CmpDNP3ChannelState : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial init 1 ready error
CmpDNP3Error (ENUM) ¶ TYPE CmpDNP3Error : Error type used in CmpDNP3 library. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment OK No_Memory 123 Can not allocate memory. InternalError 124 Other internal error.
CmpDNP3IoConfigParameter (UNION) ¶ TYPE CmpDNP3IoConfigParameter : UNION Configuration parameter to socket or COM InOut: Name Type Comment socket CmpDNP3SocketConfiguration Configuration parameter to socket rs232 CmpDNP3RS232Configuration Configuration parameter to COM interface
CmpDNP3IoType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE CmpDNP3IoType : Target type Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial RS232 0 tcp 4 udpTcp 5 none 8
CmpDNP3Mode (ENUM) ¶ TYPE CmpDNP3Mode : Define data types used to interface to the TCP target Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment server 0 listen FOR connection client 1 attempt to make a connection udp 2 UDP only, no TCP connection dualEndpoint 3 both client and server functionality
CmpDNP3Parity (ENUM) ¶ TYPE CmpDNP3Parity : Parity : Supported parity Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment none 0 No parity odd Odd parity even Even parity