min_tsdr UINT max [...] USINT hsa USINT max [...] ms] reserved ARRAY
: _aValues : ARRAY [...] value If eType = IEC_ARRAY [...] pointer to Array
ArrItfTraceMgrVariables POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] MgrVariable The POINTER to the array [...] of the array above ps
IEC61850_AT_AnalogueValue maxVal ty [...] das String Array [...] das String Array
not exceed the value dMax [...] to the value dMaxAcc . In [...] .g. the SMC_NCDecoder ). dMax
CharWidths POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] iMaxLength INT
Items : ARRAY [0 [...] Type = IEC_ARRAY p [...] to ArrayValue If eType =
ModId parameter LOCMODID_NEW_MAX [...] _FIRST_SAFETY_PROTOCOL_PARAM) + 1) Max. number [...] , type ARRAY
parameters of data array [...] or number, if present max
ArrItfTraceMgrVariables POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] MgrVariable The POINTER to the array [...] of the array above ps