SysTimeRtcConvertHighResToLocal (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTime [...] system error code (see
SysTimeRtcConvertLocalToHighRes (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTime [...] converts the time given
GetDateAndTime [...] _BLOCK GetDateAndTime This function block reads
GetDateAndTime [...] _BLOCK GetDateAndTime This function block reads
SMC_GetTravelTime [...] _BLOCK SMC_GetTravelTime [...] Reading the duration
the local system time [...] Time Invalid [...] UTC_TIME
(Function) GetSystemTime [...] _TO_RTS_SYSTIMEDATE (Function) DateTimeToString (Function) DateTime
(Function) GetSystemTime [...] _TO_RTS_SYSTIMEDATE (Function) DateTimeToString (Function) DateTime
Sync (FunctionBlock) GetTimeZoneFromSystem [...] ) UpdateTimeZoneFromSystem [...] DataBase (Method) GetTimeZoneFromSystem
Sync (FunctionBlock) GetTimeZoneFromSystem [...] ) UpdateTimeZoneFromSystem [...] Hook (Method) GetTimeZoneFromSystem