UnreadContentSize IgnoreBytes Move [...] NextConditional MoveUp ReadByte ReadBytes ReadBytes
Raw WriteByte WriteBytes WriteBytes [...] DataStartTag WriteEndTag WriteFillBytes
IEC61850_ReadString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IEC61850_ReadString : STRING(255) In
of the itfString can [...] _TO_MEMORY UDINT Input itfString [...] Representation String interface
AsChar : BYTE In [...] AsChar BYTE Encoded as single byte character
CharBufferString [...] At : BYTE [...] through a string and must
Returns if the string pS starts with the string [...] S POINTER TO BYTE
Ua_ApplicationDescription ServerCertificate OpcUa_ByteString [...] Url OpcUa_String Server [...] Ua_MessageSecurityMode SecurityPolicyUri OpcUa_String
AlarmStorageReader.prvReadLatchVarString2 (METH) ¶ METHOD prvReadLatchVarString [...] string latch variable