AlarmsFromStorage : UDINT Reads [...] have been read successfully * [...] the 1st time
OpenClientCustomer (Function) BACnetRead [...] SetClientDeviceFixAddress (Function) BACnetSetClientDeviceFixSubscribeCovTime (Function) BACnetSetClientGlobalCommTiming
to store the time [...] MgrPacketEnableTrigger (Function) TraceMgrPacketGetAbsoluteStartTime [...] MgrPacketGetNext (Function) TraceMgrPacketGetStartTime
GetPath (Method) StorageIsRead [...] Begin (Method) UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime
SysFileGetStatus (Struct) tSysFileGetTime [...] SysFileOpen (Struct) tSysFileRead
SpecifiedSettings ReconnectWaitTime (Method [...] CustomRequest (Method) CreateRead [...] RequestState (Enum) FailureRead
SpecifiedSettings ReconnectWaitTime (Method [...] CustomRequest (Method) CreateRead [...] RequestState (Enum) FailureRead
, that reads the trend [...] timestamp liAbsPacketStartTime [...] the absolute start time
-Bus bus cycle time [...] is used for the time [...] the function block to read
specific error TIME_OUT 5101 Time limit [...] READ_ONLY_CAA 5108