ItemInfo Properties: Access Address [...] Address WriteCopyAddress Data [...] ItemInfo Structure: Access
for acyclic read-/write [...] for access errors [...] _index 16#B0 Write
access to closing [...] Invalid access [...] transmission too long CSMD_SVC_WRITE
be AccessType .ReadWrite [...] RWUser (read write, see SNMP [...] with SNMP V3 only eAccess
PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput (Method) ParameterAccess
PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput (Method) ParameterAccess
PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput (Method) ParameterAccess
for bit and word access [...] access the buffer is of type ARRAY[0..ModbusCommand.uiWrite
of the node. bWrite [...] if the Write [...] for this attribute. ui32Write
to read, in HEX uiWrite [...] to write, in HEX uiWrite [...] to write stName STRING