Search_DINT (Method) CursorSearch_INT [...] ) ColumnGet_INT (Method [...] ) ColumnSet_INT (Method
The specified operation time [...] _ERROR ⇒ 0 (Zero) TIME [...] ) If the TIME_OUT error code
of memory iSize INT bytes [...] that should be written udiTime
(ANY_TO_INT(60) * ANY_TO_INT [...] _VisuElemsAlarm VisuElemsDateTime ¶
is Standalone at startup time [...] . PLC_ID INT PLC-ID =
the event. Time [...] : The conversion is done using [...] your own mapping. ReceiveTime
string conversion [...] Utilities BACnetDateTime [...] DateRangeFromContents (Function) GetDateTime
NumOfAxes INT Axes designed [...] time, in the second [...] StructXYChartAxis iNumOfCurves INT
..9] OF INT := [2 [...] ..9] OF INT ; END [...] at the same point in time
) Conversion Cvt [...] (Method) OutRealTime