DataItemVector.abstrGetElementPtr (METH) ¶ METHOD abstrGetElement [...] Out: Scope Name Type
CustomRequestQueue.abstrGetElementPtr (METH) ¶ METHOD abstrGetElement [...] Out: Scope Name Type
VisuFbPaintAfterAllElement [...] the element must update [...] the outputs of this element
LinkedList.SafeElementIterator (METH) ¶ METHOD SafeElement [...] over all elements. InOut: Scope
ISortedList3.SafeElementIterator (METH) ¶ METHOD SafeElement [...] over all elements. InOut: Scope
List.RemoveElement [...] RemoveElementAt : [...] element from position
SortedList.RemoveElement [...] RemoveElementAt : [...] element from position
SortedDirectoryFileElement [...] Create : IDirectoryFileElement InOut: Scope Name
VisuNativeElementMethod.SetScrollRange (METH) ¶ METHOD Set [...] Out: Scope Name Type
VisuFbPaintAfterAllElement [...] by this element InOut: Scope Name Type Return