or resets a device In [...] CommunicationState DED.ERROR Input e
or resets a device In [...] CommunicationState DED.ERROR Input e
_IEC_RESULT Deletes a directory [...] Recursive is set, a whole folder [...] , i.e
Returns a specific number of runes of a [...] in case of eErrorID <>
/content of a specified BACnet-Property (e [...] that all elements of a List
Errors.Errors.ERR_PARAMETER A required parameter is invalid, e [...] to store a value No
Returns a specific number of runes of a [...] in case of eErrorID <>
ETC_FoE [...] _BLOCK ETC_FoE [...] a file
is designed to store a path object, i.e. a segment [...] , for example a line, arc
on a copy DB file [...] Index UDINT eEditType VUM_EditType