_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name [...] a set of APDU [...] settings made
_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name [...] a set of APDU [...] settings made
Name Type Initial [...] _RESET BOOL FALSE CIFWAIT_SET [...] _FLAG are set HOSTACK
Out: Scope Name Type [...] SpecificDeviceState Set [...] SpecificDeviceState (Method) Set
JumpCommand (Method) GetProgramName [...] SpaceLeft (Method) SetEndOfData (Method) Set
_Template_EdgeAbortTimeout InOut: Scope Name [...] ReadCaptureConfig BOOL Output bMaskBitSet BOOL bTransmitSet
. InOut: Scope Name [...] is set automatically w [...] could be set with this input
Name Type Initial [...] a set of APDU [...] settings made
.Subscription and set _pItem and _udi [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] priority settings
Found_internal Set_internal Swap [...] from TypeDesc GetFirstChildByBrowseName [...] from TypeDesc GetName