in the source device [...] data received [...] ClientBase SourceDeviceAddress ,
source very easy [...] _BACNET_CLIENT_SUBSCRIBE_MODE This defines how the data [...] _BACNET_BYTE A pointer to data
is filled with valid data, in any other case the data [...] the contents data
worked. Input pSource [...] data structure
(Method) GetAddData [...] _GSentenceQueue (FunctionBlock) AddDataCapacity (Method) AddData
_BACNET_STATUS.BACNET_STATUS_OK the data in p [...] if the operation worked. Input pSource [...] data structure
worked. Input pSource [...] data structure. The fields of this data
worked. Input pSource [...] data structure. This data structure
source very easy [...] _BACNET_CLIENT_SUBSCRIBE_MODE This defines how the data [...] pointer to data
DelayNormal (Property) ValueSource (Property) ValueSource [...] (Property) ValueSource